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Do I Have to Modify the FODMAP Elimination Diet for My Crohn's Disease?

Do I Have to Modify the FODMAP Elimination Diet for My Crohn's Disease?

Q. Even though my Crohn’s disease is supposedly in remission, I have ongoing problems with abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea. I’d like to try a low-FODMAP diet, but I’m not sure whether I need to make changes to it, since I don’t have straight-on IBS.

When a Certified Low-FODMAP Product Contains a High-FODMAP Ingredient

When a Certified Low-FODMAP Product Contains a High-FODMAP Ingredient

Q. “A product I am interested in has apple fiber on the list of ingredients. Monash University has certified this product, but I know apples are not low FODMAP, so can you advise whether the product is OK? I want to do the low FODMAP diet right!”