If you are planning a trip you may wonder how you can manage your low-FODMAP diet while you are in a foreign country. It’s an important question. Naturally, you want to feel your best while you are away from home so you can enjoy all the activities you have planned. At the same time, experiencing regional cuisine is something you won’t want to miss out on. You can make it work with some extra planning and a little flexibility.
Low-FODMAP Chicken-Quinoa Salad
A perfect recipe for a warm summer evening with friends, this chicken-quinoa salad offers a variety of veggies and fruit along with good sources of protein. This recipe is IBS-friendly because it uses quinoa, which is low-FODMAP, as a base. You will have time to prepare the dressing while the quinoa is cooking.
FODMAPs and Soy: Why so Confusing?
FODMAPs and IBS: Provider Pitfalls
If you are a physician or mid-level provider recommending low-FODMAP diets to your patients, congratulations on your savvy! You are offering your patients not just hope, but real relief! Today I'm sharing some tips to help you present the diet to patients safely and effectively, while avoiding some common pitfalls.
Corn, Beans, and Rice: Where Do They Fit on Low-FODMAP Diets?
Lentil Burgers
8 Signs It’s Not IBS
A person with IBS has a digestive system that does not function properly, even though nothing appears to be medically wrong. This state of affairs can be quite frustrating if you suffer from abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation. You may wish for more certain answers about the cause of your symptoms, but the reality is they are not always available. Going down the rabbit hole of the internet will quickly turn up a long list of scary conditions that have these symptoms, too. Although it’s natural to be concerned about these other possibilities, especially if you’ve known someone with inflammatory bowel disease or some sort of cancer, I’d like to help settle your nerves with this post.
Mashed Potatoes with Fresh Pesto
Salmon Avocado Spring Rolls
Spring rolls can function as a type of "sandwich" for those who prefer something light as well as low-FODMAP. In the past, I have thought of making spring rolls as a bit of a production, but I have had patients who find them quick and easy enough to make them daily to bring to work for lunch. Wash, dry and chill your herbs, and bake your salmon on Sunday afternoons, and they will go together quickly any time!