A person with IBS has a digestive system that does not function properly, even though nothing appears to be medically wrong. This state of affairs can be quite frustrating if you suffer from abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation. You may wish for more certain answers about the cause of your symptoms, but the reality is they are not always available. Going down the rabbit hole of the internet will quickly turn up a long list of scary conditions that have these symptoms, too. Although it’s natural to be concerned about these other possibilities, especially if you’ve known someone with inflammatory bowel disease or some sort of cancer, I’d like to help settle your nerves with this post.
Signs That a Low-FODMAP Diet is Not Right for You
Research Update: Are Fructose Breath Tests Useful for Diagnosis or Treatment of IBS?
How to Discuss IBS with Your Doctor
If you’ve been suffering from gastrointestinal symptoms that interfere with your work or social life, there is no need to suffer in silence. Bring your symptoms to the attention of your primary care provider. You might decide to make a special appointment for this, especially if your symptoms are new, or to bring it up at your next scheduled check-up. How can you make the most of your doctor’s appointment?