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Egg Substitutes in Baking

Egg Substitutes in Baking

Eggs perform many functions in baking. They alter the texture and structure of the finished product in several ways. Eggs add moisture, act as binders, and emulsify (allow the fatty and watery parts to combine). They also contribute to leavening by forming a foam that can hold expanding air bubbles. Eggs will also affect the color and flavor of the item. But what if you’re allergic, or you’re following a vegan diet, or you ran out of eggs? How do you find a substitute that can do everything an egg can do? And is it even possible while maintaining your low-FODMAP lifestyle?

Research Update: Are Fructose Breath Tests Useful for Diagnosis or Treatment of IBS?

Research Update: Are Fructose Breath Tests Useful for Diagnosis or Treatment of IBS?

In a new study published by researchers at Monash University in Australia, researchers conclude that “routine use of lactulose and fructose breath tests in functional bowel disorder patients is not supported due to its poor reproducibility.”

In other words, don’t bother.

How to Discuss IBS with Your Doctor

If you’ve been suffering from gastrointestinal symptoms that interfere with your work or social life, there is no need to suffer in silence. Bring your symptoms to the attention of your primary care provider. You might decide to make a special appointment for this, especially if your symptoms are new, or to bring it up at your next scheduled check-up.  How can you make the most of your doctor’s appointment?

Resistant Starches and Your Low-FODMAP Diet

Resistant Starches and Your Low-FODMAP Diet

If you’ve done much reading about nutrition and digestive health over the past couple of years, you may have come across the term “resistant starch”. Resistant starch has been touted as a weight loss aid and a potential cure-all. While it has been mentioned briefly on this blog in the past, let’s take a closer look. What are resistant starches, and how do they fit into your low-FODMAP diet?

Find a FODMAP Dietitian

National Nutrition Month (March) is a great time to talk about the nutrition practitioners who appear on my Find a FODMAP Dietitian directory. These are credentialed healthcare professionals you can turn to for expert help with your irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). 

IBS Myth: No Dairy for IBS

IBS Myth: No Dairy for IBS

Many people with IBS are under the impression that everyone with IBS (or maybe just everyone, period) should avoid “dairy.” And who can blame them, after hearing this advice passed around by any number of authors, bloggers, celebrities and even healthcare professionals. I don’t share that view. Although I recognize that milk and milk products are a common cause of abdominal pain, excess gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation, that is no reason to over-generalize and say that everyone with IBS should avoid them. There are some individuals who actually do need to avoid all dairy products to manage their IBS, but in my experience that is the exception, not the rule.